
韦德 (Lauren Wade) 对世界名画里的裸体女性进行了 Photoshop 编辑,目的是想传达一个信息:当今社会用 PhotoShop 实在太泛滥了,以至于影响了我们对美的认识。
The discourse about the media's unrealistic portrayal of female bodies through the use of photoshop retouching continues to demonstrate the unattainable beauty standard society promotes. Senior photo editor for, lauren wade has seen a fair share of digital limb lengthening and tummy tucking, bringing the photos of already-thin models up to the 'industry standard'. "Of course it hasn't always been that way." She explains, "throughout art history, painters from titian to rubens to gauguin found beauty in the bodies of women who would never fit into a size 0." with this in mind, Wade has taken the liquify tool to the famous ladies of renaissance and impressionist masterpieces, conforming them to the acceptable image that would suit the pages of today's glossy magazines. Rendering them in gif format, Wade's before-and-after-style images shed light on our present perceptions of beauty, and how drastically it has changed from the past.
Francisco Goya - “Nude Maya” (1797–1800)

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres - “Grande Odalisque” (1814)

Titian - “Danaë with Eros” (1544)

Sandro Botticelli - Birth of Venus (1486)

Paul Gauguin - “Two Tahitian Women” (1899)

Raphael - “Three Graces” (1504–1505)

Amedeo Modigliani - “Nude Sitting on a Divan”

Edgar Degas - “La Toilette” (1884–1886)

See original article: Lauren Wade imagines paintings photoshopped like fashion models.